Time Management for Boutiques {Tip #1}
May 05, 2020
Welcome to MAY!
This month we are talking TIME MANAGEMENT. A common theme I am seeing is that those who are not used to working from home are having a really hard time staying motivated or managing their time to get things done. I completely get it. I also want you to know that if it doesn’t feel good for you to be hustling or super productive right now, that is completely okay! The tips I am going to share with you this month are designed for my Tribe, my boutique owners, but I made sure I generalized so that others can benefit too!
Tip #1
Invest in a Planner
I have always been honest that I am not a physical planner person but I LOVE my big desktop calendars. At the end of every year, I sit with my team and we block off the entire year ahead. This year has not gone exactly to plan, but we are pivoting and arranging the calendar to best serve our community. The point of telling you this is so you understand what works for other people may not work for you. I encourage you to find a method that works for you.
Using a physical planner or a digital planner helps to see where you have gaps to get things done. I always write in my non-negotiattbles first. These are the things I want to do for myself. Whether that be therapy, a workout, a massage… it goes in before anything else. Self care is incredibly important!
Once you have your non-negotiable in, you can start to map out events and tasks big and small. Using a planner or calendar helps keep you organized and keeps you from missing deadlines, appointments, and tasks!
If you are looking for a calendar that is designed specifically for boutique owners, my Boutique Calendar 2020 is available for digital download here: bit.ly/digitalboutiquecalendar