Boost Your Boutique Blog

How to Shop at a Market or Show

Aug 07, 2023

Are you an aspiring boutique owner, eagerly exploring the ins and outs of the industry? Or perhaps you're a seasoned entrepreneur, looking to refine your sourcing strategies and stay on top of the latest trends. Whichever stage of the journey you find yourself in, the world of markets and shows in the boutique industry has something exhilarating to offer. I want to share all my tips on how to shop at a market or show! 

How to Shop at a Market or Show

First Things First: Should You Go to a Market or Show?

Let's set the stage. Imagine a bustling market or a grand show where fashion, jewelry, accessories, and other delights await your discerning eye. But here's the deal, and it's a great one: You don't have to attend if it's not your scene or if you're not feeling up to it. Seriously! We're all about encouragement here, and if you're just testing the boutique waters, that's okay. Going to shows is fabulous, but not mandatory. If you're someone who prefers a calmer environment or is easily overwhelmed by crowds, it's perfectly alright if these events aren't your cup of tea. 

Understanding the Landscape: Markets and Shows Unveiled

Before diving into the benefits and potential downsides of attending these events, let's get on the same page about what we mean by "market" and "show." Picture this: a vivid memory of being a kid, tagging along with your dad to a graphics and computer show. Rows upon rows of booths, freebies, and an infectious energy in the air. That's the essence of a show, a vibrant gathering where vendors showcase their wares, ideas are exchanged, and connections are forged.

Then there are markets, which take various forms. Some are online platforms like Fashion Go, Fair, Tundra, and L.A. Showroom, offering virtual marketplaces to purchase inventory. Others are brick-and-mortar market centers found in cities like Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago, and Atlanta. These mammoth multi-floor buildings house showrooms and host periodic events where temporary vendors join the party.

Navigating Your Path: Buying Inventory

Now that you're familiar with the lay of the land, let's talk about the benefits and potential downsides. But first, remember that there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Buying inventory online is super convenient, even though you're taking a bit of a gamble with each order. But hey, it's all part of the game. On the upside, it's cost-effective and a solid starting point.

The charm of markets and shows, though, lies in the hands-on experience. Attending in person lets you immerse yourself in the vibrant world of fashion, touch the fabrics, and see how styles truly come alive. It's also a chance to meet new vendors and discover unique pieces that may not be found online.

Benefits Beyond Inventory: A Kaleidoscope of Experiences

Markets and shows are like treasure chests of opportunities waiting to be explored. They're not just about inventory, but about soaking in the industry, getting an education, and being part of an inspiring community. Let's break it down:

  • Education: These events often feature speakers, workshops, and experts who spill the beans on industry insights, strategies, and trends. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, there's always something new to learn.
  • Networking: Rub shoulders with like-minded entrepreneurs, connect with vendors, and who knows, you might even cross paths with a celebrity or two! These interactions can spark collaborations, ideas, and lifelong connections.
  • Inspiration: The energy at these events is electric. From the fashion-forward outfits to the displays and setups, you're bound to leave with a fire in your belly and a fresh perspective on your boutique.
  • Exclusive Insights: Some shows, like Magic in Las Vegas, offer a sneak peek into what's coming up, giving you an edge in staying ahead of trends and staying relevant.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Market/Show Experience

  • Plan Ahead: Research the vendors and map out your route. This will help you make the most of your time and focus on what truly aligns with your boutique's vibe.
  • Stay True to Your Aesthetic: Don't get swayed by every shiny thing you see. Buy what you absolutely love and what resonates with your customers.
  • Track Everything: Keep meticulous records of your purchases, delivery dates, and prices. This helps you manage your inventory and plan your sales effectively.
  • Balance Business and Pleasure: Enjoy the lively atmosphere and have fun, but remember you're there for business. Make clear decisions and save the wild celebrations for after hours.

How to Shop at a Market or Show

Whether you're an aficionado or a rookie, these events offer an amazing array of opportunities, from shopping for fabulous finds to learning, connecting, and embracing inspiration. Remember, the journey is yours to craft. So go out there, explore, and unleash your inner shopper with confidence and flair!